CremonaFiere for Innovation and Development: know-how and solutions for agro-livestock 4.0 come together at Cremona Agrinnovation Summit.

The groundbreaking event involving sector professionals, enterpreneurs, researchers and suppliers of innovative technological solutions will debut at Cremona International Livestock Exhibitions 2018.

CremonaFiere: “Digital farming can lead to a remarkable improvement in product quality and cost-benefit ratio. Cremona Agrinnovation Summit will provide a comprehensive overview on the latest innovation opportunities”.

Cremona Agrinnovation Summit will debut within Cremona International Livestock Exhibitions (from October 24th to 27th, 2018). Conceived as a privileged reference point to share expertise and know-how and as a renowned observatory for the latest solutions as to innovation and product development, the Agrinnovation Summit will involve sector professionals, enterpreneurs and researchers motivated to discover, try and adopt the most innovative solutions for the agro-livestock sector.

Based on the importance of the exchange of expertise and know-how as a major driver for innovation and a multiplier of added value, Cremona Agrinnovation Summit will take place all the year round (not only during Exhibition days) through presentations, workshops, demonstrations and in-depth analyzes. This new appointment confirms CremonaFiere as a recognized meeting point for the agro-livestock sector, where the best of national and international enterprises and research centers come together to find and develop new original solutions for the whole sector.

Cremona Agrinnovation Summit will mainly address businesses eager to expand whilst being competitive on a rapidly developing market that has a considerable potential for innovation to be achieved through the implementation of technologies that can improve cost-benefit ratio, process efficiency, product quality and traceability. With a special focus on innovation, Cremona Agrinnovation Summit will further expand the already wide range of services offered by CremonaFiere to agro-livestock businesses.

A recent study by the SmartAgrifood Observatory confirms that Agriculture 4.0 can play a fundamental role for the development of the sector. In fact, smart technologies applied in the primary sector account for less than 1% of cultivated areas. The Italian market of Agriculture 4.0 almost reaches the value of 100 million euros (about 2.5% of the national total) produced by more than 70 vendor enterprises, both traditional and emerging, and breaks the trade-off between efficiency and effectiveness, thus bringing benefits both in terms of costs reduction and product quality and yield. However, there are some obstacles, above all from a cultural point of view and almost one third of Italian agribusinesses are not motivated to adopt digital procedures, as shown by a recent study by Cisco. Such a panorama, clearly shows that innovation can really make the difference.

Over the past years, Cremona International Livestock Exhibitions have been deeply committed in the research for innovative solutions for the agro-livestock sector and have established several cooperation projects with major research centers, such as: the Smart Agrifood Observatory of the Polytechnic University of Milan, The Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, CREA – Livestock and Aquaculture, AITA – Italian Association of Food Technology and Wageningen University & Research, one of the most important research centers worldwide that was actively involved in 2017 edition.

Offering precious opportunities to share concrete development possibilities, Cremona Agrinnovation Summit will mainly focus on: animal nutrition, precision breeding, smart agriculture, organic productions, circular economy, bioenergies, milk processing technologies and technologies for pig breeding. A key role will be played by open data, big data, traceability, smart farming, internet of things.

Cremona Agrinnovation Summit will enable enterprises and agribusinesses to directly interact with the scientific community. Furthermore it will provide a high-profile comprehensive overview on the latest solutions so to foster business and promote the purchase of new systems that can ensure a high rate of innovation.

“Agriculture 4.0 – explained Massimo Bianchedi, General Director of CremonaFiere – has remarkably accelerated improvement and innovation processes for the whole sector. That’s why we decided to offer a dedicated summit within Cremona International Livestock Exhibitions and it is no coincidence that past editions, last year’s edition in particular, focused on Smart Agrifood. Enterprises cannot even think to be competitive if they don’t master these innovative and strategic technologies”.

CremonaFiere is deeply engaged in internationalization programs and in the development of high-level technical and scientific contents for the whole community of the sector. This has led to the creation of Cremona Agrinnovation Summit and confirms Cremona International Livestock Exhibitions as the major European point of reference for the agro-livestock community that can profit all the year round from specialized seminars, technical workshops and international trade missions on the most interesting markets worldwide.